You’d think I haven’t been up to anything since 2021, looking at this place…you’d be wrong! Secretary for my local Dem Club, PR person for my County Democratic Party, and client work and candidate work/mentoring PLUS some pandemic-delayed personal travel all left me with little time to keep this all up to date. My apologies!
The Musk-led Twitter implosion/Nazification/whatever you want to call it has led me to Mastodon (@democraticdebo@union.place) so feel free to see me over there. I will likely be tweeting less than before.
Stop the Republican Recall
I grant that Governor Newsom had a dumb judgment error, going to The French Laundry during the pandemic, but I think he’s done a great job overall! California currently has the lowest rate of COVID infection in the country.
Some people may have signed the recall petition because they were frustrated or angry at the time they signed, but may have changed their mind about it. Below is the method to withdraw a recall petition signature.
Finalized Candidate List
List updated as of January 1, 2020 of who will be on the ballot March 3, 2020. Candidates marked with an asterisk* have been endorsed by the California Democratic Party. Candidates marked with a pound sign# have been endorsed by the San Bernardino County Young Democrats. Candidates inĀ italicsĀ have not qualified for the ballot.
The Reference page has been updated with links to the CA Secretary of State certified list, and an interesting item I came across: a list of candidates’ voter registration records going back ten years. For information, I have included the relevant info for the CD08 candidates on the spreadsheet.
There are also two candidates who filed FEC F2 forms after the filing deadline, who will not be on the ballot: Craya Caron (R) of Twentynine Palms, and Jacquetta Green of San Bernardino, who has not indicated a party preference and is running as a write-in candidate.
Where does it come from?
Who’s Running in San Bernardino County
List updated as of Dec 20 2019 of who has pulled papers for various offices of interest in San Bernardino County and/or filed with the FPPC or FEC. The filing deadline for open seats is December 11, 2019; all others December 6. SBC Elections notes that the list will be finalized by approx. December 20. Riverside anticipates having its certified list December 26. Candidates marked with an asterisk* have been endorsed by the California Democratic Party. Candidates marked with a pound sign# have been endorsed by the San Bernardino County Young Democrats. Candidates in italics appear not to have qualified for the ballot, as far as I can tell.
Note that there are 6 slots per Assembly District for Democratic Central Committee; districts with 6 or fewer qualified candidates will have those candidates appointed rather than going to the ballot. The San Bernardino County list of offices not going to ballot is here.